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Thread #41063   Message #1810289
Posted By: Jim Dixon
15-Aug-06 - 08:58 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Dad Threw The TV Out The Window
Subject: Lyr Add: DAD THREW THE TV OUT THE WINDOW (Harley)
Copied from

Bill Harley

It was in the morning, a sunny Saturday.
I turned on the TV and on the couch I lay.
I watched my favorite program, and another two or three,
When my dad came in the room and said these words to me:
"Son, turn off the TV now. There's lots of things to do.
Your bed's not made. The chores aren't done. The sun is shining too."
I said, "Oh, Dad, I'm busy now. I've got to watch this show."
I guess I should have listened, but how was I to know?
'Cause then he walked across the room and then he pulled the plug.
He lifted up the television and skipped across the rug.
He opened up the window, and then I screamed, "Dad, NO!"
But he gave the thing a heave and I watched the TV go.

Dad threw the TV out the window, the window. I think he's finally cracked.
Dad threw the TV out the window. I got a feeling that it isn't coming back

When I saw it go, when I heard it crash,
I knew that things at our house would soon be changing fast.
My dad looked out the window and mumbled, "My, oh, my!"
My brother looked out too and said, "I'm gonna die!"
And that night after dinner, when we went to watch the set,
All we found was nothing. I said, "How could I forget?"
My brother lay down on the floor and moaned, "What will I do?"
I said, "Why don't you move away?" He said, "The same to you!"
But then he told a joke, and I told two or three,
And the one about the elephants made Dad fall on his knees,
And my mom did her impression of a duck that couldn't fly
That would have made you wet your pants and maybe even cry,
All because-- CHORUS

Life without a television wasn't what I feared.
I didn't really miss it though some friends thought I was weird.
I didn't miss commercials and all the blood and guts
And all the stupid shows my brother watched that drove me nuts.
But then one sunny Saturday, my dad could not be found.
I looked high and low when from his room I heard a sound.
I ran into his room to see what it could be,
And I found my father hiding there watching a TV.
I said, "Oh Dad, now really! You ought to be ashamed."
He said kind of sheepishly, "I want to watch the game."
I picked up the TV and waltzed across the room.
I gave the thing a heave and waited for the boom. CHORUS

© 1988 Bill Harley, Round River Music. All rights reserved.