The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93813   Message #1810947
Posted By: Joe Offer
16-Aug-06 - 04:30 AM
Thread Name: ADD/Origins: The Mare and the Foal
Subject: ADD: The Mare and the Foal
I transferred this message from the Soldier and the Sailor thead. I didn't see how it fit there. It was also posted today in the Rigs of the Time thread. I found the following lyrics, but so far no tune or origins information. I swear I've heard this as a joke.
-Joe Offer-


I'll sing you a song if you'll only give ear
Of a young suckling foal and a foolish old mare
And I'll quickly tell you how this came to pass,
The Mare and the Foal went to church to hear Mass

Laddie fol-the-di-do, Right fol the dol day.

The Church door being open they rolled in with speed
And up to the Bible and began for to read;
"Stop, stop", says the Mare "I must go back again
As I want a clerk for to answer 'Amen'"

"Stop, stop," says the Foal "let us both stay within
And damn the word you'll say but I'll answer 'Amen'"
With that the old Mare agreed to stay in
And each word she said the Foal answered 'Amen'"

Let us pray for the Blacksmith, the King of all fellows,
He stands at the block while a man blows the bellows,
May he never be in want of iron or coal,
Pincers or hammer." "Amen" says the Foal.

Let us pray for the Baker all in the hard year
He buys his flour cheap and he sells his bread dear,
And if he's not well paid for all he has sold
That the Devel may pay him" 'Amen' says the Foal.

Lets us pray for the Shoemaker all in the wet weather
He sews up old sides instead of tanned leather;
That his ends and his awls may from him be stole,
And his rump may be burned." "Amen" says the Foal.

Let us pray for the farmer, the lazy old hound,
He makes us work hard the whole year around,
That his praties and turnips may rot in the hole
And the devil may whack him." "Amen" says the Foal.

Transcribed on June 25, 2000 by T. M. Carlsen
Notes from transcriber: spelling and punctuation as in original.

from - (Songs Collected by Donagh MacDonagh), referred to on
There is no entry for this song in the Traditional Ballad Index. Here's the netry form, which does relate dthe song to "the Soldier and the Sailor."