The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93866   Message #1811164
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
16-Aug-06 - 10:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Plastination: Exhibition of Human Body
Subject: RE: BS: Plastination: Exhibition of Human Body
There is a similar exhibit in NYC - Bodies:The Exhibition.   This exhibit has received similar protests because the bodies were obtained in China from a medical university. Critics say that the bodies may have been obtained illegally.

My 16 year old daughter went to see it with a friend. She did not find it "gross", but rather educational. This particular exhibit spends more time showing how the body works, and it also shows comparisons such as smokers lungs vs. non-smokers lungs, the brain of a stroke vicitim vs. the "normal" brain, etc.

I am concerned about the ethics of all this, but to me a cadaver is a cadaver. The bodies on display are not identified by name as far as I understand. When I'm gone, the remains do not represent who I was. Of course, that is just my opinion and I respect others who would not wish to have their corpse displayed in such a manner. I do not find it disrespectful, but I do think that the bodies should be donated by an individual when they are fully capable of making the decision.