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Thread #93902   Message #1812183
Posted By: hilda fish
17-Aug-06 - 08:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Arguments against racial profiling
Subject: RE: BS: Arguments against racial profiling
Here's some interesting stuff - in Texas I was at a Corrective conference where they had been racially profiling a couple of generations of Hispanic and Afro-American men and as a consequence of this racial profiling they targeted the next generation of young men in this area as fulfilling a criminogenic profile and therefore targetted them. Consequently the next generation also ended up, inevitably, in the prison system. This system was suggested for Indigenous people in Australia and New Zealand but hey, it's okay. We're obvious and we're racially profiled in a fairly ad hoc way anyway. And, strangely enough, the black, and the disaffected are more likely to end up in prison anyway. Racial profiling doesn't help that, but racist and discrimination/oppression does. Another story: my friend worked in a specific govt dept that worked at airports and was targetting people of 'Arabic' appearance but because that was a bit of a 'no no' according to our anti'discrimination laws, for each person of 'Arabic' appearance targetted at the airport they also approached a 'white' guy, so that they didn't look like they were racially profiling. Guess what, next time I came through (from Madrid, Spain) I was targetted. Well, I was dark and I suppose of 'Arabic' appearance so watch out all you dark people! Also in landed I was exed with guns pointing and so on - why? 'cos I'm dark and I guess by London standards, Arabic looking and therefore, obviously (d'oh) a terrorist. Racial Profiling is an abhorrent form of racism that should not be accepted by any reasonable person of good will. It has nothing to do with finding terrorists, protecting citizens, or isolating criminals. Hitler did it and so did Pol Pot - there is a list longer than history almost of those who did it and all of them are a listen in what horrors humans can do to each other.