The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93906   Message #1812366
Posted By: AggieD
17-Aug-06 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot
Subject: RE: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot
No Foolestroupe you are wrong, it was bloody hard back breaking work work that turned the place from a dustbowl into a garden & not money. I know that because my Mother in Law & her first husband were amongst those who lived & worked through all sorts of hardships, picking stones out of the ground to make the land suitable to be planted, digging ditches to irrigate that land, living a hand to mouth existence to help those people who would eventually stay on & try to live their lives in peace & quiet. Of course Jews help others with support, monetary or otherwise. This is probably why we are so hated & misunderstood. People can't understand that we consider ourselves to be one large family & will do everything we can to support each other. That's not to say that we don't support others. Our Synagogue regularly supports a hospital that specialises in helping Palestinian mothers & babies, and the amount of charity that I know many people give to non-Jewish organisations is vast. It is one of the most basic tenents of our religion to give charity & help those who can't help themselves. If you don't like that then you're just an anti-semitic idiot who knows nothing about us.

I'm not blind or blinkered & I hate what's been happening in Lebanon, but if you are stupid enough to think that Israel is going to just sit back while Hizbollah, Iran, Syria or any onther country sends it's bombs & suicide bombers in, then think again. How would you Americans feel if suddenly Mexico took to sending missiles into Texas because they wanted the state & believed that Americans should get out of land that they believed was historically theirs? Strange comparison Huh!!

Just remember that Iran has nuclear power. Do you trust them to only use it for domestic power? If you do then you are more of a fool than I already think you are.

However I am sure quite sure that if there was no oil in all this then many western countries would just turn the blind eye that they have done in places like Zimbabwe.