The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93902   Message #1812379
Posted By: Bill D
17-Aug-06 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Arguments against racial profiling
Subject: RE: BS: Arguments against racial profiling
sure, is always possible to phrase the question or statement to reflect a different viewpoint. Yes INDEED, we need to do better screening of luggage and cargo, as serious terrorists will inevitably be looking for ways to compromise that area! But we need to screen AT the point where cargo is submitted for transport...including checked luggage!

As to your re-write of my post, you say "...some folks have a huge problem with us because we not only openly show our dislike for them, we are occupying their Countries which in turn is causing the deaths of innocents -" who IS this 'we'? Not me! Presumably not you.
WE have an administration which has blundered its way into a no-win situation, and every day they keep going down this path, they make the situation worse. People whose friends and loved one die find it easy to cast blame on the most immediate cause they can find, especially when they have already been taught to distrust us.
Remember, the USA and westerners in general were targeted and attacked by extemeists long before the current unrest. There are many reasons why two cultures dislike each other, but once there is some general distrust, there are extreme elements on both sides which delight in escalating things and want to 'settle' scores by murder and destruction....we see this all over the world.

I am willing to hear ANY reasonable arguements for better answers to the situation...including bigger & better band-aids until vaccinations and surgery are available.

Have at it!