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Thread #93906   Message #1813082
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Aug-06 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot
Subject: RE: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot
You're quite right, Peace, I do have a disposition to dislike Israel. And that is clear...just as you have a disposition to dislike Israel's opponents.

The reason why I have that disposition? Well, it doesn't have anything to do with Jews, #1. Matter of fact, I used to like Israel, back in the 60's. I thought they were a plucky little nation. I wasn't much interested in the Arabs a the time, and didn't give much thought to the Middle East either. Mostly I was concerned about Vietnam at the time.

The reasons I gradually developed quite a prejudice against Israel are: I began to get the impression from about 1973 on that they were acting as a catspaw for grand American strategy in the Middle East...that strategy being aimed at dominating the region. Why? Beause of oil, that's why. I began to get the impression that they thought of themselves as a law unto themselves, and felt free to attack anyone they wanted, any time they wanted, because they were so confident of their absolute military superiority, AND of the backing of the USA that they considered themselves to be untouchable.

I don't care for that sort of arrogance, and I don't care for a stacked deck where one side has such massive technological backing that they can just walk all over the other side with impunity.

I don't consider Israel "small" anymore. I consider them to be the armoured fist on the end of one of America's very long arms. I don't consider them to be a "victim", I consider them to be a victimizer. regards their opponents...I have no liking for the Syrian government, or the Iranian government. I have no admiration for suicide bombers or people who want to "wipe Israel off the map".

But, yeah, the Israelis piss me off more than the people who are fighting them, simply because they're so powerful, so arrogant in their assurance of power, and because they're holding a stacked deck in the military games that are being played out there.

None of this has anything to do with my opinion of Jews. I have NO bad opinion of Jews as a people, and never have had a bad opinion of Jews as a people. It has to do with my opinion of the political and military policies and plans of Israel and the USA in the Middle Eastern region.