The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93597   Message #1813511
Posted By: Deckman
18-Aug-06 - 10:43 PM
Thread Name: What makes a good hymn?
Subject: RE: What makes a good hymn?
Speaking of "A-MEN!" This thread reminded me of a story: back about 1954, or so, my best buddy "Lauren" and I both sang in the rather large choir of a church in our town. Lauren was a consumate musician, cursed with perfect pitch. And what was worse, his MOTHER was the choir director.

This was also the year that we discovered the wonderful jazz music of Dave Brubeck. While I played only the guitar, Lauren played every instrument in the orchestra.

We decided that the "A-MEN" needed a little spicing up. So one Sunday, at the close of the final piece, rather than sing the standard Plagle A-MEN, we both sang the last note UP ONE HALF STEP! That made it a perfect flatted sixth. Of course we stood out like sore thumbs, and every member of the choir first turned looked at us, then they all cracked up. We actually brought down the house.

The only that wasn't pleased was Lauren's mother ... did I mention that she was the choir director? CHEERS, Bob