The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93626   Message #1813584
Posted By: GUEST,ifor
19-Aug-06 - 01:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is Hezbollah Winning?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Hezbollah Winning?
Israel is a terrorist state. It came into existence through the mass ethnic cleansing of the indiginous Palestinian people who had lived on its soil for many,many, centuries going back to Biblical times.

In 1956 Israel invaded Egypt and has continued its belligerent and militaristic policies against its neighbours ever since.

It still occupies parts of Syria and Lebanon and has invaded and has destroyed Beirut and much of the rest of Lebanon on two occasions.It has also made numerous smaller attacks against that country on other occasions.

Israel has occupied the Palestinian West Bank since 1967 and has kept its Palestinian in thrall since then.It has also invaded and occupied East Jerusalem.Its treatment of he Palestinians is a war crime .It goes in for collective punishment, forced expulsions of people,the demolition of thousands of houses and the imprisonment and torture of palestinians often without any form of trial.

It has settled armed paramilitary colonialists across the West Bankwho are more than willing to show their fanaticism through the shooting of Palestinians on a weekly basis.

One of these armed settlers ,an army reservist, murdered 30 muslim worshippers and injured dozens more at a holy shrine near Hebron.He is widely regarded as a hero by right wing zionist extremists.

Gaza was occupied brutally for many years and its million strong Palestinian population kept in a state of complete control by the Israeli govt which built huge checkpoints,grabbed water supplies ,kept the beaches for Israelis and controlled all aspects of life in the refugee city [most of its palestinian population had fled from what is now Israel ] . Even after the pullout of the military a year or so ago the Israeli military still has complete control of Gaza's air,sea and land borders.

It has fired thousands of shells into the city nd has waged war on its young killing many .The Gazans are half starved as the Israeli attacks continue.

Israel is also a nuclear weapons state which has been armed and supported by both the US and the UK.It has one of the most modern and well equiped armies in the world with apache helicopters,jet warplanes,bunker busting bombs,tanks etc.

It is a higly militarised society.Its Palestinian citizens are treated as unwanted , second class citizens. There are voices in Israel who are calling for their expulsion. It is an expansionist state seeking to conquer or retain more territory .

Yet it is beginning to run into big trouble.Hebollah has given he IDF a bloody nose in Lebanon and there are calls for Olmert and his generals to go.The times are indeed a -changing....