The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93906   Message #1813965
Posted By: robomatic
19-Aug-06 - 03:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot
Subject: RE: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot

My comment was a general one, not related to the recent unpleasantness. I think there are plenty of folk who would cheer if a documented tribe of American Indians managed to return to their ancestral lands. Many of these same people do not cheer for the Jews in the identical parallel situation.

It is no more "silly" than when somebody earlier on this thread sent:
"You see, the Indians attacked those settlers cause they thought that the settlers were stealing the land that their deity had given them in perpetutity."


The Natives attacked the Settlers who were stealing their land by force.

Jews have been saying "next year in Jerusalem" for a long time. Finally some of them got the wherewithal to start the return and were met by obstacles at every turn, including this really cruel one where the Israeli state has resettled Jews from Arab lands, but the Arab states, much larger and more numerous, have on purpose refused resettlement to those Arabs from what is now Israel.

In the recent unpleasantness, which has resulted in life lost on both sides of the border, only Arabs have been killed on the North side of the border, because no Jews are allowed to live in equality among Arabs now, yet on the South side of that border, both Jews and Arabs have been victimized by over a thousand rockets launched indiscriminately at Israeli towns and cities. Not only that, Hezbollah leaders urged Israeli Arabs to leave the area, so they could be assured of more Jewish victims, harking back to the days when Arabs left their homes in the area of fighting so that the national Arab armies could ethnically cleanse the Jews from the area, hence resulting in a lot of the departed Arabs who now wish that their grandchildren can inherit their forfeited lands.

The fact that more civilians died in the North than the South seems to be 'unfair' to you. I wonder if you would be quite so concerned if the death toll had been reversed. Have you bothered to take the toll of how many Israelis have been killed by Homicide bombers as opposed to Arabs killed by Jewish homicide bombers?

Regards to Carol. Hope to see her back in Mudcat soon, either side of the line.