The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93927   Message #1814284
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
20-Aug-06 - 04:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jon Benet's killer caught?
Subject: RE: BS: Jon Benet's killer caught?
well we can't choose our parents - some of them send their kids to schools run by priests who have forsworn sex. The inherent dangers, you would think, are obvious.

Parents do daft things. We all do.

as for the American thing for child beauty pageants. Do they attract paedophiles? And if they do, is that a reason not to have them. Wouldn't it be a bit like stopping football matches in England, because they attract gangs of criminal hooligans?

Do you think someone that has a weakness for paedophile behaviour is being subjected to unnatural pressures by the child beauty pageants. If they are that way inclined, don't they have a citizen's duty to stay away.