The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93906   Message #1814497
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Aug-06 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot
Subject: RE: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot
Jewish fighters took it by force and set up a new government in the region. The U.N. then chose to recognize that as a fait accompli. I imagine that there were a lot of political reasons behind that...not least of which this one: "The many displaced European Jews who are looking for a new home now in the wake of the disastrous events of WWII won't be our problem if they go to Palestine, they'll be somebody else's problem. Somebody whom no one really gives a damn about anyway. Hmmm...sounds like a plan! Let's ratify it."

I repeat, no one gave it to them. They took it, by violent struggle and they held it. The U.N. rubber stamped the result.

You can call that "giving it to them", if you want to. I don't. Anyway, I don't think it's legal to give away someone else's land to a third party, is it? I know it's not legal in most places.

Face it, the world wasn't being nice to either the Jews or the Palestinians in that situation. The world was passing the buck and shifting a complex cultural problem onto someone else's shoulders.

I don't think they so much "deemed it imperative that the Jewish people have a homeland".... I think they merely deemed it imperative that that homeland be....someplace else. Someplace where the locals didn't have a strong enough voice or enough international muscle to effectively say "no". And there were, of course, ancient religious and cultural connections for Jews to that region, so it was all quite convenient from the point of view of various self-interested western nations who really didn't want to deal with the problem themselves.

But they have had to deal with it ever since I'd say they miscalculated.

I don't think that in truth the Jews have ever been treated fairly or equitably by the victors of WWII. They're never been treated as equal human beings by the non-Jewish majority in the West, although a lot of politically correct noise has been made to give that impression. Jews have instead been stigmatized and exploited, and their desire to achieve nationhood has been used to advance other geopolitical agendas which are not truly in their interest at all. Both Jews and Muslims have suffered greatly as a result of that. What has it mostly been about? Cold war power games between Russia and the West...and who gets to control the oil and other strategic considerations in the Middle East.