The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93906   Message #1814545
Posted By: robomatic
20-Aug-06 - 03:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot
Subject: RE: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot
C'mon LH: you are correct about people's subjective impression of events, and you are right in there with 'em. We've been over this territory before. You frankly sympathize with the underdog, but your version of who is underdog is whoever is in the ring, and you sympathize with whoever is showing more sweat or blood by the minute. Your 'sympathy' and those who think as you, serves to continue the battle till both combatants are drained utterly and/or dead. Call it "Persian" sympathy after the habit of Persia to supply both sides to its dueling neighbors, in the good ol' days when they were trying to conquer Greece.

In another venue I explained to you my reasons for indicating that Israel remains the underdog in its battle for existence, taking into account the history of the region and the nature of the Arab states who control the dispersion of the Arabs from the new state of Israel.

End The Unjust Jewish Occupation Of Arab Lands

Meanwhile, if I understand the reason for this thread, it is a slightly different 'take' on events. It is not about Israel versus Arabs, it is comparing how Muslims reacted to some published cartoons of a frankly mild nature against Muslim justification of terrorism and now how there are some explicitly nasty cartoons being displayed either approving of the Holocaust or indicating that it never happened (or, as modern Nazis maintain, both at the same time!).