The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93906   Message #1814699
Posted By: robomatic
20-Aug-06 - 07:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot
Subject: RE: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot

Nice Try: The Stern Gang was indeed a nice bunch of a-holes. ONe of the few cases where when the English caught 'em they did not make trial. The IDF possibly traces its origin to the Haganah, which has been accused of terrorsim in its own right, but nothinglike the very tiny band known as The Stern Gang.

This 'inaccuracy' puts your motives in question, since it's pretty obvious.

Hezbollah is so wedded to civilians, both as provider and predator, that it is impossible to separate going after Hezbollah from (the admittedly euphemistic term of) collateral damage. Early on in the conflict there were some 'catters predicting tens of thousands of casualties, which is what a country with command of the air was perfectly capable of inflicting. That this did not happen is a sign of limited aim. That this did not stop the PR campaign, along with inaccuracies if not downright lies, is no surprise.