The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93906   Message #1814791
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Aug-06 - 10:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot
Subject: RE: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot
You're quite right, robomatic, I'm subjective too. Just like everyone else. I think I'm less inclined to hate than many, though. And when you or anyone else makes a good point that I am impressed by, I say so...even if I disagree with much of your argument. I am not much inclined to go on vendettas against people I disagree with either (with the possible exception of Clinton Hammond...heh!...and I did get into a couple of squabbles with Teribus at one time).

It's like this: I may disagree with someone about politics 98% of the time, but if he or she makes what I think is a good point (and they all do from time to time) then I give him/her full credit for it.

I also know that I'm subjective, and biased, like everyone else, and I admit it. I am aware that the guys I may favour in a political dispute are NOT all good...and the guys they are fighting are NOT all bad. Most people don't seem inclined to admit there is ANY goodness on the opposing side for some reason. Are they incapable of seeing shades of gray, or have they been affected by the modern entertainment media and fallen into the illusion that all disputes are a simple case of good vs. evil?

Anyway, this thread has wandered far astray from its original point, as someone pointed out. It's getting like a dog chasing his own tail.