The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93876   Message #1815004
Posted By: Bobert
21-Aug-06 - 07:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Kofi Annan--inept or not? Your opinion.
Subject: RE: BS: Kofi Annan--inept or not? Your opinion.
Yo, Dave,

Can you prove that theory of yours that without guns I wouldn't own the Wes Ginny Slide Rule???

No, you really can't...


Oh, horrors... The thought of peace keepers not having the right to blow yer ass up??? Horrors...

There are better ways to get folks to behave than blowin' 'um up...

What if instead of guns the peace keepers carried cameras with live feeds to a satilite which in turn broadcast what the peace keepers were seeing to allts of the planet???

(Hmmmmmm??? Now here's a friggin' thought...)

I mean, lets get real here... Folks behave better when they know that their planet mates are watchin'... Now adays wars are won or lost in the hearts and minds... At least that that seemes to be the concensus not that the US is losing both wars it has initiated...

Like I said, if were are truelu going to try to promote ***peace*** we are going to have to reprogram Earthlings toward ***peacefull*** conflict resolution and run the 20th century modle thru the shreader because it was the bloodiest century in history...

In the words of the late Waylon Jennings, "We need a change..."
