The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93906   Message #1815030
Posted By: robomatic
21-Aug-06 - 08:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot
Subject: RE: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot

Your history is real real weak. In addition to your rather obvious and incredibly biased association of the IDF to the 'Stern' gang, you are oblivious to the origin of US aid to Israel. Stop reading polemics and get informed.

The origin of Israel was not a fountain of US aid, it was an incredibly jumbled affair of supplies coming in from around the world, including arms smuggled in with help from the same folks who'd supported the IRA. A lot of the resistance was perceived to be against the English, who were diverting Jewish immigrants (another euphemism). It was definitely not at the behest of the US State Department. I can't remember who was first to recognize Israel, It was either the US or the erstwhile USSR.

Whether or not Israel should have been there, it has been there and kickin' since 1948, hence it's closing in on 60 years, which is longer than many other nations, India and Pakistan included, and a whole lot of Africa.

If you compare what Israelis have done with their land with what Egypt, Jordan, Syria, or Iraq for that matter, have done with their lands, I vote for more territory under Israeli control rather than less, much as I'd like to see Toyota buy General Motors. And we won't see that happen for much the same reason.