The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93906   Message #1815135
Posted By: robomatic
21-Aug-06 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot
Subject: RE: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot

That is a legitimate question. Two logical responses arise.

A legitimate nation should be able to survive on its own, meaning it should have an economy, an agricultural foundation, and the ability to defend its borders.

(Side note: How many nations are truly legitimate in this sense?)

1) Israel has a huge self-defense institution which eats into its agricultural and technological economy. (In case you didn't notice, the late unpleasantness cut into Israel's harvest time). If the United States withdraws financial aid, how much more is it likely that Israel's next use of its military will of necessity cut a lot more into its opponents military and economy.

2) If the US cuts aid to Israel, it will likely also cut aid to the Arab countries which also receive a lot of support. This will allow the oil rich states to become the prime movers of the region. Think this will legitimize anyone or foster peace?

It should be thought provoking to realize that with our (US) foreign policy we are propping up one set of governments and with our dependence on oil we are propping up the finances of the opponents of the first set. There is a certain mindlessness in the behavior of the United States which 'W' is not responsible for, rather he is a poster child for the US as a whole. In Alaska, which has a declining oil economy some of us have a saying: "Free Rides Die Hard".

JTS in the past you have made rather free with your language, so I did not consider my urge that you marshal your facts or at least respond to my riposte with more accuracy to be an 'insult'. To me an insult is to ignore a valid response. If indeed you are trying to maintain a more gentlemanly discourse, I have no problem with that but you must realize that other people have sensitivities not unlike your own.