The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93906   Message #1815167
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
21-Aug-06 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot
Subject: RE: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot
I don't care if you insult me or not.

You very general statements about my level of education and whatnot based on a couple of words of mine.

The "polemic" I read describing the Stern gang as terrorists was a pro zionist website which treated them as heroes. It also talked about Irgun, Begin and Sharon and how they were self described terrorists and how these terrorists became the core of the IDF. Perhaps there was bias. Perhaps that bias does not suit your romantic ideal of innocent Israel. But it was not MY bias.

My bias is that slaughtering civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure is wrong. Wrong when Hezbollah does it. Just as wrong when Israel does it.

1) Israel has a huge self-defense institution which eats into its agricultural and technological economy. (In case you didn't notice, the late unpleasantness cut into Israel's harvest time). If the United States withdraws financial aid, how much more is it likely that Israel's next use of its military will of necessity cut a lot more into its opponents military and economy.

This is my principle argument that Israel is a colony. If they can't survive as a "nation" without our money. They are not a nation. Let the Mossad harvest the crops instead of sewing the seeds of conflict.

2) If the US cuts aid to Israel, it will likely also cut aid to the Arab countries which also receive a lot of support.

I'm all for cutting aid to both, but certainly sending 30% of foreign aid to a supposed Nation on an equal footing with ours seems.... illogical.

This will allow the oil rich states to become the prime movers of the region. Think this will legitimize anyone or foster peace?

It certainly could not be any less peaceful than it is now and we would not be sponsoring war.