The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18286   Message #181517
Posted By: Abby Sale
20-Feb-00 - 01:03 AM
Thread Name: Enlighten me - stuck pig?
Subject: RE: Enlighten me - stuck pig?
I've now learned a lot about methods of pig killing. One thing - I doubt there'd be much squeeling if the throat were slit.

Joe, I agree that this is one of the most disturbinngly anti-Semetic songs in folkdom. Not all bother me - there's one or two in DigTrad that are important to show in their context. But this one is told & retold as if it were true or had a grain of truth. Stteleye sang a sweet tune version with no explanation (such as Child's) and I complained to them. The perpetration of this particular example of the "Blood Libel" resulted in Jewish deaths. Not nice.

As to pig squeels, I can confirm Troll's experience. Walking a San Francisco street in 1959 I heard the clear sounds of a dozen children being horribly tortured. Turned out to be a pig slaughter house three blocks away. Seems they really didn't like being dunked in scalding water while still alive. The claim was it had to be then or the bristles would be lost. Definately unsettling. I can't imagine working there an hour.