The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1815417
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
21-Aug-06 - 05:08 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
I'm with you, Elmer:

I love the Mississippi... have traveled alongside it from northern Minnesota and Wisconsin down to St. Lopuis. Rode a paddle wheeler out of Davenport with Ruth once, and then The Tom Sawyer steamboat out of St. Louis, when Ruth's brother and sister-in-law came out to Wisconsin and wanted a tour of the Midwest. We went up in the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, too, which is quite an experience. Went to Hannibal, Mo. (home of Shoeless Joe and Tom Sawyer.) I've explored the caves along the Missisippi in Hannibal which were the inspiration for the scenes with Injun Joe, too.

Great country filled with folk lore and tall tales. Anybody ever get out that way, be sure to visit Galena... an old Lead (galena) mining town along the Mississippi, in northern Illinois. Spring Green, Wisconsin was Frank Lloyd Wright's home and studio/school.. took Ruth there when we did the Mississippi thing. Went through Fon DuLac, just to say Fond DuLac.

My home country..
