The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93906   Message #1816694
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Aug-06 - 11:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot
Subject: RE: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot
I doubt it, robomatic. They don't feel disempowered and humiliated. Muslims do.

Jews, you see, don't have to riot to make their point. They can make their point by Israel sending a hightech airforce and army and bombing the shit out of people they don't like, and no one will stop them. That's power. It is the powerless who riot and throw stones, not the powerful. The powerful send in the airforce, navy, and army to do their protesting for them.

If we students in the 60's who were protesting the Vietnam war had by some miracle been given the world's biggest military machine and the police force to do our bidding for you think we would have rioted in the streets? LOL! Hardly. We would've made our point in a much more efficient manner, I'm sure.

China "protested" Vietnam's kicking out of the Cambodian Pol Pot regime, for instance, back in '79. They sent in the Chinese army and invaded North Vietnam for about a month. Nasty border war. That was their way of punishing Vietnam. Much more effective than rioting and attacking embassies.

Rioting is reserved mainly just for people who have no more effective way of demonstrating their anger.

You don't throw rocks when you have military supremacy at your disposal.