The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94060   Message #1816728
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
23-Aug-06 - 12:58 AM
Thread Name: Dylan says modern records 'atrocious'
Subject: RE: Dylan says modern records 'atrocious'
Yes, folks are easily satisfied now. They just don't know any better. It's the stuff that paradigms are made of. Things change, generations come along, and nobody knows what they're missing. The voices that "know" -- because they were there -- don't have the energy, or the testosterone, or the feeling that it's worth the fight, given the roads things are taking now, to use up their last years arguing in silly B.S. threads like this one even if, ostensibly, it's about music.

Such is life! And it's cool---whatever. "Is what is." Don't sweat this small stuff. Go with the damn flow.
