The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94072   Message #1817450
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
23-Aug-06 - 08:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lebanon Shopkeeper NOT Hezbollah Leader!
Subject: RE: BS: Lebanon Shopkeeper NOT Hezbollah Leader!
Here is the transcript of what I watched last night - from the link Wolfgang gave - and which I could not find at the time I posted.

Israel releases mistakenly kidnapped men

Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Lateline)

Broadcast: 23/08/2006


Israel has released five men captured at the height of the conflict in Lebanon - after what turned out to be an embarassing case of mistaken identity.

TONY JONES: Meanwhile, Israel has quietly released five men captured at the height of the conflict in Lebanon after what turned out to be an embarassing case of mistaken identity. The men were abducted by an elite commando unit three weeks ago during a night-time raid on the Lebanese town of Baalbek. It now appears that Israel had its sights set on the Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, but instead the man they captured was Hassan Nasrallah, the Baalbek shopkeeper. He has been returned home along with his son, and the three other men captured that night.

BILAL NASRALLAH, SHOPKEEPER: TRANSLATION: They thought that I was the son of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and this is not true. And then they started saying that we were involved somehow, then their accusations started to become less and less.

MARK REGEV, ISRAELI GOVERNMENT: We just returned them as quickly as we could and I think everyone understood that an honest mistake had happened.

TONY JONES: At least 10 people were killed during the raid on Baalbek.


Sounds like a war crime to me...

... but then i'm just a foole...