The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94105   Message #1818627
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
25-Aug-06 - 08:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Has the U.S. been defeated?
Subject: RE: BS: Has the U.S. been defeated?
Didn't Woodrow Wilson make the treaties after world war one, that resulted in world war 2.

sorry if I got it wrong - I never listened to my history teacher. If I got it right though, it doesn't say much for the expertise of historians. A study of history isn't actually a guarantee of mental competence. I always thought A.L Rowse sounded crackers in interviews.

cheer up everybody, it may never happen....

this is a very gloomy thread.

I think it all comes down to the same thing. Not enough of us normal folk get involved in politics, so idiots like Thatcher, Bush etc get to the top of the tree.

I never bothered with politics. I always thought, if I| stood for election or whatever, stories of my less than glorious past(complete with drunken exploits) would surface and it would bring down more trouble on the party that I joined. I think in retrospect I was too timid.

Everybody knew Bush was in hock to the armaments people and there was going to be a war - that was a given, before he was elected.   Nobody liked him - not even the Republicans like Martin Gibson.

Consider the inexorable nature of the situation. If you are reading this - you are still alive. Cheer up - things could have been much worse.