The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17849   Message #181924
Posted By: Nancy-Jean
20-Feb-00 - 09:33 PM
Thread Name: Jacques Douai, French traditional singer
Subject: RE: Jacques Douai, French traditional singer
Thanks everyone! It is nice to see that one can find Monsieur Douai on the internet. Many of the songs on the LP from 1954 I learned when I spent my junior year in Paris. That was 1961 and I lived in a family that sang folksongs every day after lunch. I remember Madame Naudet singing "File la laine"--and imagining the wife sitting at the spinning wheel with nothing much to do but wait because her husband had gone off on one of the crusades. And the sprightly "Voici venir le mois de mai". Oh, those were splendid days of youth!