The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93906   Message #1819524
Posted By: Little Hawk
26-Aug-06 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot
Subject: RE: BS: Still Waiting for Jews To Riot
I agree with Jack. "Terrorism" has simply become the latest Newspeak catch-all word for "our subhuman enemies who are totally evil and must be destroyed"...and that's all it amounts to. It's a propaganda word used to justify attacking foreign people and clamping down on the freedoms of one's own people. The Iranians consider the Israelis and Americans to be terrorists. So do all of Israel's enemies in the region. The Americans and Israelis look at it exactly the other way around. They all ignore their own wrongful deeds and call the other guy's wrongful deed "terrorism".

And ALL of them are using the same twisted logic in forming those opinions.

The "War on Terror" is a ridiculous term. War itself causes terror. Its intention is to defeat and dominate people by the use of organized terror tactics.

What it should be called is "The War for Control of Oil and Strategic Resources".   It could also be called "The War Against Honesty, Freedom, and Sanity"...but that wouldn't market very well, would it? ;-)