The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1820315
Posted By: Bobert
27-Aug-06 - 08:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
I have referrred you back to the National Response Plan over and over, O.G., but seein' as that blows yer argument out of the water you conviently ignore it as if it didn't/doesn't exist...

Ands for the record, Katrina wasn't a Cat 5 storm... It has now been officially been downgraded to a Cat 3 at the time of landing...

But please don't let facts boggle yer mind...

And while you are ignoring facts, go on ignoring that Bush only funed the maintenance on the levees at less than 20% of what the Army Corpes of Engineers requested... Yeah, you love ignoring that one or if yer not ignoring it you are askin' me to provide "proof" that had the levee maintainance been fully funded that the levee's would have been breached... That is an unreasonable rebuttal... It would be like me challenging you to prove that you exist... Very sophmorish Philosphy 201 crap that has nuthin' to do with the ***fact*** that the Army Corps of Engineers requested $100M and Bush sent $17M...

Yeah, Old Guy, have yer fun pullin' one right winged Bushite cut 'n paste outta yer butt 'cause there are plenty of them out there and they are extrememly well funded... Problem is that as well funded as they are they are there to protect to flow of money from the middle class to the rich... That is their ***only*** purpose... And they do this by takin' 100% of the facts, ignoring 99% of the facts and distortin' the crap outta the 1%... That's exactly what they are paid to do... Blanko, for instatnce, has released over 100,000 documents and notes about what she did and said and requested during Kartina...

Bush, on the ohter hand, is hiding behind the usual executive priviledge...

Tell ya' what, Oldster... The American people are figurin' it out purdy rapidly... Too bad that you are so blindly partisan that you can't accept facts...
