The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94105   Message #1820325
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Aug-06 - 08:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Has the U.S. been defeated?
Subject: RE: BS: Has the U.S. been defeated?
That was exactly Hitler's view: "There is no substitute for victory." It has been every criminal conqueror's view, since the dawn of time.

God, it stirs the blood getting these impassioned declarations of unswerving determination from loyal soldiers who are unwittingly and in all good conscience serving the wrong side in an unjust war of aggression. Yessiree! Heady stuff. You gotta go talk to some of those old Nazi and Imperial Japanese veterans, Joe. They saw it just the way you do. "There is no substitute for victory!" Whooof!

Man, I gotta go and put on a couple of those old John Wayne movies now that I'm really in the mood...

Your cause is not just and noble, my friend. You've been had. You've been used. I hope you and your buddies get through it in one piece. The reason your homefront is demoralized is that people are beginning to realize that they, like you guys, were lied to and led down the garden path into a phony and unnecessary war which has no forseeable ending. Just like Vietnam.