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Thread #94184   Message #1820366
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Aug-06 - 09:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jihad: Definition
Subject: RE: BS: Jihad: Definition
Which part of "thou shalt not kill" are these bastards having trouble understanding?

They are probably just focusing on some other piece of scripture instead to justify their actions...just like the Christians or the Buddhists or anyone else does when they kill people...they selectively ignore or reinterpret the parts of their philosophy that would seem to conflict with their present course of action. The word "kill", for instance, is taken by many interpreters and translators of both Muslim and Christian (and Jewish) scripture to mean "murder" (as in the civil crime, murder). Therefore it is assumed not to apply to killing that is done in war or in the line of duty as a police officer or when slaughtering an animal, to give three examples of killing that is not usually termed "murder" by most people. Whether those really are instances of murder or not, of course, is debatable. Maybe they are. Maybe they're not. People can argue about it till they're blue in the face, and I'm sure they will be doing so long after you and I have cashed in our chips and gone to the great coffeehouse in the sky... ;-)

Consider this: The Israelites were reputedly instructed by God "Thou shalt not kill!"   They then went forth to "the Promised Land" a short time later and wiped out whole nations of other people who happened to be in their, woman, and child. They must not have considered that to be "killing" for some reason... ;-) I suspect that the only thing they did consider to be "killing", technically speaking, was to kill another Israelite in the course of normal daily society among their own people! Exceptions even to even that would be: you CAN kill another Israelite by stoning and various other horrible forms of public execution if that person has committed a capital crime (such as adultery) according to the rules laid out in scripture. Then it's not really "killing" anyone either, because it's not murder!

In other words,'s all a bunch of absolute bullshit, and they all kill whoever they want to as long as they have a good enough reason and a good enough excuse...and the sanction of higher religious or civil authority. This is true of Jews, Christian, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and just about everyone else I can thing of in this world. They kill on command, because they figure that Big Brother knows best.

It's Big Brother that's the problem. It's aggressive, unscrupulous leaders on all sides that are the problem. They issue the orders to kill.

The only thing I have disputed that's been said here so far is pdq's statement that Muslims "think 100% of planet Earth is Muslem land, or at least should be". That is scaremongering, and it's untrue. It's the kind of thing you say when you want people not to think, but just to go out and kill some Muslims.

Remember Lapp-Goch? The famous self-defence technique marketed as a joke in National Lampoon? You go out and kill all the people that you are worried might one day, some day, want to kill you. This could include the neighbours, the milkman, the postman, the garbage collectors, etc.   You take preventive action, and get all those bastards first. That's what the USA did to Iraq. It launched a "preventive war" against a country that is, in fact, incapable of attacking the USA in any effective fashion. That's Lapp-Goch.

The only effective plea the architects of such a "preventive war" could offer up in their defence at some future Nuremberg might be....insanity. But I doubt that the Court would buy it.

And their generals and soldiers could say..."I only followed orders." Hmmm.