The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94105   Message #1820491
Posted By: Slag
28-Aug-06 - 01:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Has the U.S. been defeated?
Subject: RE: BS: Has the U.S. been defeated?
Peace. I've got news for you. We are IN WW3. We were attacked every bit as severly as Pearl Harbor, more so. We are in a war like no other. And here's a news flash. ANYONE who goes to war, offense or defense understands or should understand (as no American President since Truman has understood) that there is no substitute for victory. And GEE, did Hitler really say that? Does that make it automatically NOT TRUE?? What do you on the left use for brains? If Hitler said the Earth circles the Sun would we have to go back to a geo-centric planetary system?

The fact that my head is still on my shoulders and I am typing in English let's me know that No, the US has not been defeated---YET. But if the little termites on the left keep gnawing away unchecked then, Yes we COULD lose this war.

And before you go off on Bush or some other tangent you might consider that war is not a contest to see who's government ist most pure and holy and correct and righteous, ad nauseum. It is a matter of survival. If we survive and at not too great of a cost then you can play your little finger pointing game and blame whoever doesn't belong to your political party. But, if the cost is high or we lose, then I think you are going to be a little too busy to worry about blame. Wake up and quit trying to saw off the limb you are perched upon.