The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94105   Message #1820584
Posted By: kendall
28-Aug-06 - 07:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Has the U.S. been defeated?
Subject: RE: BS: Has the U.S. been defeated?
I don't give a rodent's rump if you are a republican, democrat, poligamist or pedestrian, we are in a quagmire just like Viet Nam, and that moron in the White House even admitted that we could not win a military victory over there. He said it on national tv, and I heard and saw him say it. So, why are we still there? Because he doesn't know how to get us out of it.

His press conference last week said it all when that reporter asked "What did Iraq have to do with 9/11"? and he answered, "NOTHING."

Ever wonder why Canada hasn't been attacked? Or Ireland? How about Denmark? Is it because they keep their noses out of other countries business?

The latest poll says 60% of Americans are against the war, ok, why the hell are we wasting our young people on a lost cause? So, that puppet government we set up over there is not strong enough to fight the insurgents on its own. What does that tell you?
How the hell can we "win" when we train Iraquis only to have them take their training and defect to the other side? Recently, some of them robbed a bank!

Even Senator McCain has come out in public and ragged on Bush for his handling of the war.When will the rest of us wake up?