The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94194   Message #1820676
Posted By: Alice
28-Aug-06 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Do Americans think it's worth it ?
Subject: RE: BS: Do Americans think it's worth it ?
I'm ashamed of Americans for being more interested in American Idol that American elections, for being so easily duped, for being so apathetic about their own government. Before the invasion I heard on National Public Radio evidence of why Saddam was not helping Al Qaeda, that the "yellow cake story" in Niger was false and other reasons an invasion would be a mistake... but most of the country was led by the nose, Congress afraid to go against Bush and the Neo-cons. It is a tragedy, killing hundreds of thousands and destroying our relationships with traditional allies, giving those who hate us even more strength to recruit terrorists. Not all Americans think it was worth it nor did they support the invasion. Unfortunately, too many Americans are uninformed and apathetic about what their government does.