The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94236   Message #1821566
Posted By: GUEST,Chris B (Born Again Scouser)
29-Aug-06 - 08:44 AM
Thread Name: BS:The Death Penalty
Subject: RE: The Death Panalty
I think the death penalty should only be used (if ever) for offences which affect the fabric of society in the broadest sense.

Murder, while obviously a heinous crime, is usually unpremeditated and while obviously having a terrible effect on the families of the victim, tends to have a very localised effect.

Double parking, on the other hand, can jam up a high street for a whole morning and lead to the loss of hundreds of working hours and inconvenience dozens of people. Likewise littering, overtaking on the inside and riding a bicycle on the pavement. I think it's time we started looking as a society at the really serious crimes.