The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94236   Message #1821743
Posted By: Old Guy
29-Aug-06 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: BS:The Death Penalty
Subject: RE: BS:The Death Penalty
Wow. I expected mostly anti-death penalty postings here but I am surprised at how many support it. I support it.

It seems to me that if the anti-death penalty people. anti-war people and the medical community get their way, no one will ever die.

What will we do with all these people? Stack them up in mile high buildings? Eventually we will still run out of space. And who will support them when they retire? Where will the food come from?

If we have a zero birth rate, eventually everybody will be retired.

I say when some commits a crime against someone else, they have taken the civil rights away from that person and forfeited their own civil rights. They do not have any civil rights.

Life without parole? That means the government is required to give them heart transplants etc. to keep them alive as long as possible. If they are not killers, give them a pardon when they reach 70. If they are killers, give them the same consideration they gave their victims.

And Lawyers be damned. Here in the US we have rule by Lawyers, not rule by law. For example OJ Simpson is found innocent of murder in a criminal trial but guilty in a civil trial. How's that work? The guy is either guilty or innocent, not both. From what little I know about I admire the justice system in the UK.

I can't figure out how the legal system in the US got so out of control what with corporations claiming the same rights as a human being.