The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94233   Message #1822161
Posted By: Azizi
29-Aug-06 - 06:57 PM
Thread Name: Songs About Storms
Subject: RE: Songs About Storms
I've noticed that a number of gospel songs equate troubled times with stormy weather. Maybe it's because some of these songs came from the Georgia Sea Isles and other places where people are likely to get hurricane type weather even if they didn't go out to sea.

I suppose it is 'natural' that since good times have been equated in literature & music to sun shiny days, difficult times would be equated with dark & stormy weather.

At any rate, here's another gospel song that includes this theme. This song has a slower tempo than the other ones I've listed:

He's sweet I know
He's sweet I know
Dark clouds may rise
Sea billows roll *
I'll tell the world **
Wherever I may go
That I have found a Savior
And He's sweet I know

excerpt of lyrics given on
Mahalia Jackson- He's Sweet I Know

I heard a recording of this song [not from Mahalia Jackson or Whitney Huston, but a male singer] in the 1980s or so. It has become one of my favorite songs to sing as it "restoreth my soul" and helps me through the tough times.

*I've substituted the words I remember hearing. The words given on that website are "And strong winds may blow"

* This also is my substitution of the words I recall hearing on that recording I used to have but can't find. That website gives that line as "But, I can the world". The person posting these lyrics may have left out the word 'tell' as the line "But I can tell the world" makes more sense. However, in my opinion, the line "But I can tell the world" doesn't flow as well as the version I remember.

This song is also listed on but with no lyrics or sound clip given.

Btw, when I refer to "songs that I sing", I mean "sing to myself".
I am definitely not a professional singer.

And Btw2, Guest Eric mentioned in his post that he wasn't sure if a particular song was what I'm looking for. Actually, I'm looking for what you got. That is to say, that I just like starting these category songs threads to see what comes up, and as a means of facilitating access to multiple songs that have the same or similar themes.

For those 'in to' astrology, you can attribute this to my Virgo ascendent and my Virgo Mars.

For those who think astrology is gooblygook or sinful, you can attribute this to anything else or nothing.

But, for me, one thing is sure-the process is much more interesting and meaningful than the final product.