The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94239   Message #1822239
Posted By: Bill D
29-Aug-06 - 08:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Examples of good web page design
Subject: RE: BS: Examples of good web page design
One thing that upsets me is the 'target=blank' command in the code, which forces a link to open in a new tab or page. It is easy for a visitor to GET a link, even if it's just a large copy of an image, to open in a new tab, but it is WORK to override this and have the option left like you wish! (I have a script in Proxomitron which 'usually' controls this)

Likewise, I object to pages where MY choices of how 'visited links' should appear are not respected. (color change, underlining...etc.)

In almost all things, I like to have the option of have my browsing experience controlled by me, not by some programmers idea of what HE thinks it should be.

(yes, I know why some commercial sites want to 'direct' you, but they usually lose whatever chance they might have had for my business if they mess with my settings!)