The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94247   Message #1822371
Posted By: Genie
30-Aug-06 - 12:46 AM
Thread Name: Odd meters, 7/8 anyone?
Subject: RE: Odd meters, 7/8 anyone?
Don Meixner: "Can anyone offer an example of the odd meter? Something so easy to find as to trip over? From a Broadway musical perhaps? Something as well known as Happy Birthday?"
Well, it's hardly as well known as Happy Birthday or even "Take 5," but there was a pop/rock song popular around 1980 called "Get Closer," that was in something like 5/5 time.

Stewart, thanks for the tip about Georgia's!

Kaleea, I know what you mean about the average American being totally unaware of any meter other than 4/4 or 3/4. A few years ago, I was at a new-age-type, touchy-feely "alternative healing retreat" at Breitenbush Hot Springs in Oregon, and one workshop was on "creative rhythms." People were encouraged to use their bodies and/or drums, etc, to "think outside the box" and improvise rhythms, with the group joining in. I was so frustrated because, for the life of me, I couldn't get anyone in the group away from a basic 4/4 time or maybe a 2/4. Even if I started a 3/4 beat, the group would morph it back into 2/4 or 4/4.   The only improvisational aspect was the syncopation of the -- I don't know what you call them -- over-beats. I thought, my gawd, haven't any of you ever even done a waltz!? LOL