The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94236   Message #1822537
Posted By: Bobert
30-Aug-06 - 07:22 AM
Thread Name: BS:The Death Penalty
Subject: RE: BS:The Death Penalty
Wall, a society either believes in the sanctity of life or it doesn't and if it has capital punishment it can't say it is in the believer category... That is hypocritical...

And for those who would argue that capital punishment is a deterrant to murder just look at the murder rates in the United States... That argument kinda gets blown thwe heck out of the water...

Actually, the justice system in the United States isn't about correction or rehabilitation but revenge... And I find it curious how so many so-called Christians say they support capital punishment when it is so clearly in conflict with the scriptures...

So for this ol' hillbilly: no capital punishment + reorganizing correctional facilities away from vengence toward real rehibiliation (its a bargain in terms of $$$...)...
