The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1822543
Posted By: Bobert
30-Aug-06 - 07:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
You obviously know nuthin' about the history of the labor movement in America, Old Guy, which has brought about the standard of living that alot of folks, perhaps even yourself, have enjoyed... 14(b) was Boss Hog's nuclear option and he was able to get it into the Taft Hartley Act thru political manouverin' just as the Repubs in my life time have been tryin' to chip away at the New Deal...

"Right to work" sounds so flowery and nice but when you take the pretty bonnet off it beneath it are lots of kids who go hungry at night...
