The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94236   Message #1823256
Posted By: Barry Finn
31-Aug-06 - 12:50 AM
Thread Name: BS:The Death Penalty
Subject: RE: BS:The Death Penalty
It's a shame about the girl being shot, it's also a shame that the guy who shot her had to live with that type of harassment. It's one the reasons that we get the school shootings. Some kid's life is made unbearable by harmless & thoughtless actions till they reach a breaking point & do something stupid that under normal conditions they would never had done.

As far as the death penalty we've had a past mudcatter John Nolan who's an ex-cop from Scotland & now is a reporter here in New Hampshire get a guy off (Lowell, Ma) of death row by doing some simple foot work & research. At the retrial the judge & former DA tossed it out. So much for the death penalty. One innocent life is not worth the death of all the others. Sad thing is that this is far from uncommon.

I'm The Bully
(words & music by Barry Finn)

I'm the bully & you're my victim
I need the practice, you need the pain
I'm the bully & you're my victim
I'll keep on you & drive you insane

Oh how I love to stalk the weakling
And the outcast or the lame
Give me a nerd, a geek or a loner
These unfit prey I'll treat the same


A shove on the stairs when none are watching
A whisper of terror that none will hear
At a hundred paces I still can strike you
And keep it up year after year


I'll chase you out of a crowed schoolyard
I'll ban you from the public park
You'll have no friends & no companions
You'll only have a broken heart


I'll get the neighbors to gang up on you
If a fool feels friendly, he'll get dirty looks
When you finally fight back I've turned the tables
You're on my turf now & I wrote the book


You can cry for help & beg for mercy
And tell the world just what I've done
You can pull a knife or pull a trigger
You lose again, in the end I've won.


The police said "He never reported that he was being harassed." No he didn't, probably for the 1st time in his life too. Most people won't follow up reports about this kind of behavior until one day some one's hurt. Then they ask why.

If ya don't know it I've a stong passion for fighting Bully Behavior.
I've never stood for & have never had to live through it but I've sure watch them ruin kids lives & if I were for the death penatly they'd be the 1st to get it. See how unfair of me that would be.
