The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94306   Message #1823908
Posted By: Don Firth
31-Aug-06 - 05:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Stupid Spammer Made-up Names!
Subject: RE: BS: Stupid Spammer Made-up Names!
Barbara and I each have our own e-mail address and we have a joint one. Mine starts out with my name, "donfirth@" and then goes from there. What I don't quite understand is that I get spam addressed to "donf—" and just about any and every possible combination of letters from there on.

I'll sometimes get eight or ten at once, different variations of the address, but the body of the message is all the same. Ersatz Rolex watches (my Casio digital with five alarms, a stop-watch, and a countdown timer gains about two seconds a week and I reset it every week to Greenwich Mean Time, and that's good enough for me), or wanting us to ru-up our mortgage, (which we don't have because it was paid off years ago), and for cut-rate drugs and pharmaceuticals from some undisclosed foreign country, no doctors' prescriptions necessary (yeah, right!!). I have a spam blocker that stops the vast majority (sometimes hundreds per day!), but these come in in the "Suspect Email" folder. And the same damned ones come in day after day.

Advertising may come to us through snail-mail addressed to "Occupant," but at least they have to get the street address right.

Barbara and I both get this stuff on all three of our e-mail addresses, when the address at the top of the spam is only approximate, and not even a close approximate at that. If it isn't addressed to us specifically, why the hell are we getting it?

Don Firth