The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3325   Message #18245
Posted By:
24-Dec-97 - 02:21 PM
Thread Name: ABC? gif? MIDI files? internet music 101!!!
Subject: RE: ABC? gif? MIDI files? internet music 101!!!
Hi all

Joe, I never claimed to be an american, I am by birth British, but I moved to Holland (the netherlands) at the age of 11 months-I kicked and screamed but nobody listned! ;-) (just kidding, about the kicking and screaming) But I think I'm going to consider it a compliment on my english! And I can imagine it is satisfying (grin) I always enjoy reading books where english/american people write about the dutch, as if they're experts. They make such basic mistakes, I love catching them out! Maybe to nitpick is human? If this programme isn't very good, forget it, it'll probably be less effort, and as to downloading, just a friendly warning to everybody, at my pa's work, they've just had about 30 computers infected with a massive virus because of downloading of the internet.

Selene ;-)