The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94279   Message #1824738
Posted By: GUEST
01-Sep-06 - 01:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: meaning of life
Subject: RE: BS: meaning of life
Answer to Ian P.
you have done the same with me, likewise your thinking is not profound. By the way, my goal is not to prove that I have anything wise to say but simply to prove me that my understanding is wrong. I don't think it's wrong.You seem pretty sure your's is right.
Here is a short explanation to you.
By observing the nature you see the law of entropy, likewise by observing human behavior you you the law of deterioration, and the law of corruptness.Observe a baby and you will start seeing some erratic behavior right away. Most people flow with that nature but some of them choose a right course.