The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94279   Message #1825015
Posted By: Kaleea
01-Sep-06 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: meaning of life
Subject: RE: BS: meaning of life
uh, guest---which subject are we supposed to be cussing----OOPS! I mean discussing? The meaning of life? (a question?) or, most people, you believe, are on the wrong path in life. (a declaration)
Are they trespassing on your path? Are they on some other path which does not belong to them? Should they be on a street, road, or Route 66 (getting their kicks) instead? Perhaps it is you who is on the wrong path, and are being deluded into believing that you are the only one who is correct? Have you been watching too much Twilight Zone? Do you hear the voice of Rod Serling? (unplug that big box over there.)

As for the meaning of life, it's rather obvious. What it's all about is The Hokey Pokey!

   (and I have Hokey Pokey Elmo to prove it.)