The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94021   Message #1825614
Posted By: Lady Hillary
02-Sep-06 - 06:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Signed, The Campground Committee
Subject: RE: BS: Signed, The Campground Committee
Dear Campers,

Good morning; we hope your night was restful.

This notice is to remind all of our guests of the rules and policies regarding the hiking trails:

Please stay on the trails. Some of the trails go very close to some of the committees living quarters. As was noted above, some of our members appreciate their privacy.
The footpaths are clearly marked so that you can follow them. Straying from any path carries hazards. A recent camper reported to the health service with a severe rash. Upon inquiry, it was discovered that the camper had strayed from the path to examine an interesting plant whose leaves were in groups of three. Regrettably, this camper had to seek medical service outside our grounds, as the rash was quite extensive. Please remember that any thing you bring in on your hiking trails must be brought out.

1. Easy trails are marked with blue blazes.   These trails are usually located over flat terrain with lots of convenient resting points and locations to either get assistance or turn back. These trails are under the supervision of the Squirrel Brigade. They are very good at keeping track of hikers (especially those who bring edible supplies, such as nuts, gorp and granola), but not so good at leading hikers back to their camping areas. Not many campers can scamper over small branches.

2. Moderate trails are marked with yellow blazes. They are more physically demanding. They are also more interesting. We recently observed a younger camper using a hanging vine to cross a rapid, rather than using the convenient bridge. When he fell, he disturbed the raccoon family at their pre-prandial ablutions. While the amount of food lost was not significant (except to the family) both the upset to their composure and the damage to the scenery were significant. We have not yet determined how to re-hang the vine. The camper's friends got him back to the campground, where he was admitted to the infirmary. These trails are under the supervision of the Raccoon Ramblers.

3. Hard trails are marked with Red blazes. These trails are more challenging. Several of the trails have wonderful scenic overlooks that will give a panoramic view of the whole valley. Please go up in groups of 3 or more. These trails are under the supervision of the Raptor Group. Their normal operating procedure is to assign one of their members to keep an eye on the group(s). So.. If you see vultures making lazy circles overhead don't worry, they are there for your protection.

Most respectively submitted and


The Campground Committee