The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94367   Message #1825845
Posted By: Mick Pearce (MCP)
03-Sep-06 - 07:34 AM
Thread Name: DTStudy: The Pride of Glencoe
Subject: RE: DTStudy: The Pride of Glencoe
Here are the text for the three versions I have to hand. As you can see Ray Fisher's text is very close to that in the DT, but as Malcolm pointed out above the broadside texts have tended to remain very close. The two verses in Ord not in the other two texts do appear in the broadsides (but in the reverse order in the few I looked at!).

In the last verse of Ray Fisher's version where I have the word prevail the others have remain and on the record it actually sounds as if she sings revail, so I don't know if she started to sing remain and changed to prevail mid-way, or if I'm just now hearing it well enough!

I'll posts the tunes later.



As I was a-walking one evening of late
Where Flora's green mantle the fields decorate,
I carelessly wandered, where I do not know,
By the banks of a fountain that lies in Glencoe.

Like she who the pride of Mount Ida had won
There approached a wee lassie as fair as the sun
With ribbons and tartans around her did flow
That once won Macdonald, the pride of Glencoe.

With courage undaunted I to her drew nigh,
While the red rose and lily on her cheeks seemed to vie.
I asked her her name and how far she did go
And she answered me, "Kind, sir, I'm bound for Glencoe".

I said, "My wee lassie, your enchanting smile
And your comely fine features have my heart beguiled.
If your kind affection on me you'll bestow
I will bless the happy hour we met in Glencoe".

"Kind sir," she did answer, "Your suit I disdain.
I once had a sweetheart, Macdonald by name.
He's gone to the war about ten years ago,
And a maid I'll remain till he returns to Glencoe".

"But perhaps young Macdonald regards not your name
And has placed his affection on some other dame.
Perhaps he's forgotten, for all that you know,
The bonnie wee lassie he left in Glencoe".

"My Donald from his promise will never depart,
For love, truth, and honour are found in his heart.
And if I never see him, I single will go,
And I'll mourn for my Donald, the pride of Glencoe"

He finding her constant, he pulled out a glove,
Which at parting she gave him as a token of love.
She flew to his arms while the tears down did flow
Saying, "You're welcome, my Donald, the pride of Glencoe".

"So cheer up now, young Flora, your sorrows are o'er,
And while life still prevails, we will never part more.
The storms of war at a distance may blow
While in peace and contentment we'll bide in Glencoe".

Source: Ray Fisher, LP The Bonny Birdy


As I was a-walking one evening of late
Where Flora's gay mantle the fields decorate,
I carelessly wandered, where I did not know,
On the banks of a fountain that lies in Glencoe.

Like her whom the prize of Mount Ida had won,
There approached me a lassie as bright as the sun,
The ribbons and tartans all around her did flow,
That once graced Macdonald, the pride o' Glencoe.

With courage undaunted I to her drew near,
While the red rose and the lily on her cheek did appear;
I asked her name, and how far she'd to go,
"Young man," sje ,made answer, "I'm bound for Glencoe."

I said, "My dear lassie, your enchanting smile
And your comely fair features does my heart beguile;
And if your affections on me you'll bestow,
You'll bless the happy hour that we met in Glencoe."

"Young man," she made answer, "your love I disdain,
I once had a sweetheart, young Donald by name,
He went to the wars nearly ten years ago,
And a maid I'll remain till he returns to Glencoe."

"The power of the French, it is hard to pull down,
They have beat many heroes of fame and renoun;
And like them, young Donald, as it may happen so-
The man you love dearly perchance is laid low."

"My Donald't true valour when tried in the field,
Like his gallant ancestors, disdaining to yield,
And French and the Spaniards he'll soon overthrow,
And in spleandour return to my arms in Glencoe."

"Perhaps your young Donald regards not your name,
But has placed his affections on some foreign dame;
He may have forgotten, for aught that you know,
The bonnie young lassie he left in Glencoe."

"My Donald from his promise can never depart,
For love, truth, and honour abound in his heart;
And should he ne'er return aye single I'll go,
And mourn for my Donald, the pride o' Glencoe."

Now proving her constant, I pulled out a glove,
Which in parting she gave me as a token of love;
She flew to my breast while the tears down did flow,
Crying, "You're my dear Donald, returned to Glencoe."

"Cheer up, my dear Flora, your sorrows are o'er,
While life does remain, we will never part more;
The rude blasts of war at a distance may blow,
But in peace and content we'll abide in Glencoe."

Source: John Ord, Bothy Songs And Ballads


As I went a-walking one evening of late
When Flora's gay mantle those fields decorate,
I carelesslie wandered, where I did not know,
Toa clear crystal fountain on the banks of Glencoe.

Like her who the pride of Mount Ina had won
There approached me a lassie as bright as the sun,
Whose finery and ribbing (ribbons?) around her did flow,
Which graced young MacDonald, the pride of Glencoe.

I thought her enchanting, unto her I drew nigh,
On the red rose and lily on her cheeks seemed to vie,
I asked her her name and how far she'd to go
When she answered me kindly, "I am bound to Glencoe."

Said I, "My pretty fair maid, your enchanting smile
And comelie sweet features does my heart beguile,
And if your affection on me you'll bestow
You will bless the happy hour that we met in Glencoe."

"Young man," she made answer, "from your suit I refrain,
For I once had a sweetheart, MacDonald by name,
He went to the war about ten years ago
And a maid I shall remain till he returns to Glencoe."

"Perhaps young Macdonald regards not your name
But has placed his affection on some foreign dame,
And may have forgotten for all that you know
That lovely young lassie he left in Glencoe."

"MacDonald from his promise could never depart,
True love and honour are found in his heart,
And if he never comes back still single I'll go
And I'll mourn for MacDonald, the pride of Glencoe."

When I seen she did not know me I pulled out a glove,
That at parting she gave me as a token of love,
She hung down her head while the tears down did flow,
Saying, "You're my MacDonald, just returned to Glencoe."

"Cheer up now, dear Flora, for your sorrows are o'er,
While life does remain, we shall never part more,
The war in its fury at a distance may go,
But in peace and content we'll reside in Glencoe."

(In last verse he sometimes sings, your toilings are o'er.)

Source: Helen Creighton, Maritime Folk Songs from Mr. Tom Gamble, Amherst, August 1953

She also lists several other recordings she collected of the song.