The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94279   Message #1825953
Posted By: Bill D
03-Sep-06 - 11:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: meaning of life
Subject: RE: BS: meaning of life
Bows to the creator ...that would be towards Mecca? No? Gee, as soon as the creator waves to me and says..."Over here!" I'll mosey over, ask for I.D. and consider the idea.

I have been suspicious for a few posts now that 'teacher' was heading in that direction concerning 'right pathness'. There are a whole bunch of very nice virtues in that list- some that sound a lot like Bible school class when I was 9....but I see that 'morality' and 'chastity' and 'righteousness' are tossed in as if it is perfectly clear what they imply.

Then, "bows to authority" and "bows to creator" ....*sigh*.... Do I detect a link there?

I think 'Teacher' spelled his name wrong...'Preacher' would be closer....and we have had attempts at preaching before in this forum.
.... this is **NOT** the place for preaching.