The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94367   Message #1825987
Posted By: Mick Pearce (MCP)
03-Sep-06 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: DTStudy: The Pride of Glencoe
Subject: RE: DTStudy: The Pride of Glencoe
And here are the tunes for the three version I posted above. (It may be coincidence but Ray Fisher sings her version in A the same as the DT version, though A mixolydian rather than A major; it is still possible that the DT version is just a not very good transcription of hers. Alternatively it might be a totally different source). In Ord, the tune for the song is actually written against the previous song and just referred to, so I had to make some choices on the assignment of notes to text. The tune is as written, but you might like to assign some of the words to different notes when there are choices.


T:The Pride Of Glencoe
S:Ray Fisher (who learned it from Brigid Tunney)
D:The Bonny Birdy - Ray Fisher
Z:Mick Pearce
A/|c2 A/E/|G A> d|d (d/c/)d|e2
w:As I was a-walk-ing one even-ing_ of late
(c/d/)|(e/f/) g d|e (d/ c) e/|(d<c) A/G/|A2 z/
w:Where_ Flo_ra's green man-tle_ the fields_ de-co-rate
A/|c A E|G A> d|d (d/c/) d|e2
w:I car-less-ly wan-dered where I do_ not know
c/d/|(e/f/) g d|e (d/ c) e/|(d< c) A/G/|A2 z/]
w:By the banks_ of a foun-tain_ that lies_ in Glen-coe.

T:Donald's Return To Glencoe
S:John Ord, Bothy Songs And Ballads
(C/D/)|F F (A/c/)|d c (c/A/)|(G/A/) F F|F2
w:As_ I was a_walk-ing one_ eve_ning of late
(A/c/)|d d f|d c (c/A/)|(G/A/) c d|c2
w:Where_ Flo-ra's gay man-tle the_ fields_ de-co-rate,
(A/c/)|d d f|d c f|(A/G/) F F|D2
w:I_ care-less-ly wan-dered, where I_ did not know,
C/D/|F F (A/c/)|d c (c/A/)|(G/A/)F F|F2|]
w:On the banks of a_ foun-tain that_ lies_ in Glen-coe.

T:The Pride Of Glencoe
S:Helen Creighton, Maritime Folk Songs from Mr. Tom Gamble, Amherst, August 1953
G|A A G|B A> G|E D D|D2
w:As I went a-walk-ing one even-ing of late
D|D E G|A Hd e|d c A|G2
w:When Flo-ra's gay man-tle those fields de-co-rate,
E|D E G|A {A}Hd e|d c A|G2
w:I care-less-lie wan-dered, where I did not know,
E/G/|A A G|(G/B/) HA A/G/|E D D|D2|]
w:To a clear crys-tal foun_tain on the banks of Glen-coe.