The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94392   Message #1826223
Posted By: Divis Sweeney
03-Sep-06 - 07:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Non- Music section.
Subject: BS: Non- Music section.
There is something that needs cleared up folks. Am I right in my understanding, that the non-music section is to discuss non-music subjects ?

There has been much said in several threads recently about members discussing politics and other subjects on this site, which after all is a music site.

If this is the case, then why have a non-music section ?

I can only give my opinion, and I think many members such as myself find it interesting, most of the time. If I see a thread, for example on a subject that holds no interest to me, such as George Bush or the price of oil, I have a simple remedy, I don't go into it.

We went through the debate of "Members only" should we now have one one on retaining the non-music section ?

I am not being funny, just reading so many posts recently where if the member does not like your viewpoint, they reply "this is a music site"